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For those who need strangeness...

I (CC) have had a lifelong interest in the strange and unknown. 


I believe in holistic healing 

and have come across many instances where 

this has proven to be true and worked effectively

 but in the real world of 

physical evidence we often cannot prove this, as I imagine you will have found too, we have studies and some very promising results.


I will always continue on my quest to develop my healing 

abilities and bring as many people happiness as possible. It really is one of my hobbies and I think that brilliant things can be done via these mediums.


I believe in peaceful healing frequencies and have been looking at bringing high energy frequencies into the equation too as I believe that they can excite the chakras into spinning, much like native Americans using dance to communicate with their Gods to bring rain to water their crops.


This is my own great experiment that could fail or bring something useful to the world.


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